Revenue Metering Solutions
What are the challenges to revenue metering for utilities?
Challenge 1:
I need a meter to send real time data to my existing SCADA and other software systems.
EIG’s revenue meters support multiple communication modes designed specifically to bring data back to SCADA and other real time telemetry. The meters offer RS485, RS232, ANSI Type 2 Optical port, and Ethernet. Protocols include customizable Modbus, DNP3, and IEC 61850.

Additionally, the Shark® 270 meter offers under-glass 4G wireless cellular communication.

The meter can also be read using EIG’s software or other third party systems, such as Itron’s MV90, and they are compatible with the® AI driven cloud-based energy management system.
Challenge 2:
To improve response time, I need to provide analysis of my utility customer’s power problems, quickly.
Replace older revenue meters with power quality recording meters to get immediate information concerning the customer’s circuit issues. Both the Shark® 270 meter and the Nexus® 1272 meter have multiple power quality monitoring features, including waveform recording of 512 samples/cycle to monitor meter customer’s power quality or substation fault on the line.

The meters provide COMTRADE and PQDIF support. They offer harmonics recording, power factor analysis, and alarm emails on power quality events.

Challenge 3:
I need my meter to be cyber secure to protect critical metering data from hacking and tampering and to meet NERC CIP compliance.
The Shark® 270 Cyber secure revenue meter offers encrypted usernames and passwords to protect against unauthorized access, an anti-tampering system events log that records all transactions in the meter, and role-based security configurable to the specific application. Digital firmware signature ensures firmware integrity when updating the meter’s firmware, and IP allow lists ensure access only by known users.

Both the Nexus® 1272 meter and the Shark® 270 meter have hardware locks and sealing switches to render remote changes to programmable settings virtually impossible.

Challenge 4:
My critical metering of large loads and tie points requires high accuracy.
The Nexus® 1272 meter achieves a 0.06% energy accuracy using a unique and patented auto-calibration metrology. This ensures highest accuracy over temperature and time.
The Shark® 270 meter is ANSI C12.20 0.1% Accuracy Class certified to meet the highest ANSI standard for accuracy.

Both meter models meet or exceed IEC 62053-22 0.2S Class accuracy.
Challenge 5:
I need to standardize on a versatile meter, so that my limited resources are not stretched any thinner.
EIG’s MeterManagerPQA® software provides automated maintenance, troubleshooting, and easy access to the entire fleet of meters. It lets you minimize staff resources by using preloaded profiles to configure large groups of meters.

Since EIG’s Shark® 270 meter is field-upgradable to more advanced features, it eliminates the need to stock multiple types of meters. Just upgrade to the features you need when you need them.

Challenge 6:
I need to provide access to metering data without letting my customer into our network or giving my customer access to the meter.
With®, a utility customer and a utility account manager have access to a cloud software instead of the meter itself. Eliminate security issues while providing comprehensive data access through the cloud.
Provide customers with energy usage analysis and comparisons enterprise wide.

Predictive analytics AI pinpoints demand reduction opportunities by informing customers of new predicted peak demand, days in advance.

Use C-Suite reporting to identify corrective action to increase energy efficiency and reduce power quality risk in the worst enterprise circuits with C-Suite Reporting.

Provide deep insights into power quality to prevent downtime and improve efficiency.

Send alarm emails on fault conditions, limits, and new peak and predicted peak demand to respond before problems escalate and cause power outages or damage to equipment.

Additional Benefits of EIG’s Revenue Meters
Unique Screen Designer enables you to create custom screens to display any needed data.

The Nexus® 1272 meter supports multiple I/O modules. The Shark® 270 meter has built-in I/O as opposed to expansion modules and superior keystone connectors for I/O.

The Shark® 270 and Nexus® 1272 meters come in socket and switchboard forms.

The switchboard form has a draw out case that allows for easy testing and retrofit.

Learn more about EIG’s SCADA ready revenue meters.