Energy Management & Power Quality MonitoringBlogUncategorizedElectro Industries/GaugeTech Releases New Version of the Communicator EXT™ Application

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June 27, 2013
Electro Industries/GaugeTech Releases New Version of the Communicator EXT™ Application
Westbury, NY (Thursday, June 27, 2013) – Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) announces the release of a new version of its Communicator EXT™ application. This version contains a major update to the software, including a host of new features as well as improvements to existing features.
New Features Include:
- Support for the new Shark MP200 metering system. This update includes device configuration, polling screens, log downloads and Log Viewer, and integration into EIG’s Script & Scheduler™ application, which allows for automated processing of
meter data for billing, etc. - Added support for the Shark 200 power meter’s DNP over Ethernet feature.
- Nexus 12×2 Network Card Device profile editor has been enhanced to let the user configure the network card to use scaled energy on the meter’s webpages that
display energy. This insures that both the Communicator EXT™ application’s and
the webpages’ energy rollovers match for that meter. - Nexus 1500 Device Profile Editor Waveform has been enhanced to enable VAUX
for waveform and PQ. This lets the software display the Vaux waveform recorder. - Language support for the Nexus 1500 power meter has been enhanced to allow for translation into multiple languages.
- SEMI F47 Graph for PQ events has been added to the Log Viewer for all meters
with msec time stamp. This is a different variation of the ITIC/CBEMA graph, using
different plotting characteristics. This variation is designed for the semi-conductor industry, as opposed to CBEMA, which was optimized for the computer industry.