
EIG’s® Releases C-Suite Reporting to Help Achieve Corporate Sustainability Goals
Westbury, NY (Thursday, January 20, 2022) – Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) announces the highly anticipated version 5 release of its award winning® AI driven energy management system. This release includes C-Suite Reports that uses AI analytics to determine which facilities and which circuits within those facilities are the most energy wasteful. This enables energy managers to meet their corporate targets for energy sustainability, carbon footprint reduction, and energy conservation by focusing on the facilities most in need of improvement first.
This system uses AI-based analytics to automatically grade facilities and identify the most energy wasteful facilities and circuits. C-Suite reporting saves significant engineering time and resources by pinpointing the specific circuits in enterprise facilities that are inefficient. By improving these circuits, sustainability targets can be easily met, and energy costs can be reduced. EnergyPQA® is a cloud-based energy management system that is readily available for most industrial and commercial applications.
For more information on the® system and its new features, visit its webpage: