
EIG Releases Adapter Plate for P70N Display Retrofits
Westbury, NY (January 19, 2023) – Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) announces the release of an adapter plate to retrofit the P70N color touchscreen LCD display for the discontinued P60N display, without modifying or replacing the existing panel. This simplifies upgrading the Nexus® 1252 meter and P60N display with the cyber secure Nexus® 1450 power quality meter and its P70N display.
The Nexus® 1252 meter has long been an industry standard for its high accuracy, extensive metering capabilities, and power quality analysis. The Nexus® 1450 meter matches the 1252 meter’s capabilities and expands on them with Resilient Cyber Security™, including digitally signed firmware; system-wide fault analysis with EIG’s unique distributed fault recording via IEC 61850 GOOSE messages; and direct download of COMTRADE files through web Restful API access. The P70N display adds color touchscreen capability and extensive intuitive UI to the older P60N display.
To learn more about the P60N to P70N adapter plate (model number E171316), visit this webpage:
To learn more about the Nexus® 1450 meter and the P70N display, visit this webpage: