
Power metering and energy power monitoring system.

Energy Management Software® AI Driven Energy Management System

The® system gives you a next generation energy management cloud solution.

CommunicatorPQA® Power Monitoring Software

CommunicatorPQA® Power Monitoring Software Program, Manage, Database, and View Logged Data View Real Time Data Perform Detailed Power Quality Analysis Quickly Configure Meters Connect Existing Meters to® System {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fcommunicatorpqa-energy-management-software-with-metermanagerpqa-data-collection-software%252F%7Ctarget%3A_blank&el_class=buttonthicktext }} CommunicatorPQA® Power Monitoring Software Program, Manage, Database, and View Logged Data View Real Time Data Perform Detailed Power Quality Analysis Quickly Configure [...]

MeterManagerPQA® Meter Data Management Software

MeterManagerPQA® Software - Meter Data Collection Server Automated Meter Network Connection Easily Manage Large Fleets of Meters Automatically Download Logs Generate and Email Customized Reports Connect Existing Meters to® Systems {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fcommunicatorpqa-energy-management-software-with-metermanagerpqa-data-collection-software%252F%7Ctarget%3A_blank&el_class=buttonthicktext }} MeterManagerPQA® Software - Meter Data Collection Server Automated Meter Network Connection Easily Manage Large Fleets of Meters Automatically Download Logs [...]

HMIPQA+™ – Powerful, Real Time, Power Monitoring SCADA

HMIPQA+™ Advanced SCADA Solution Made Simple Ensure operators have the real time and historical information they need to manage and control their power system’s reliability and safety. Gain full visibility into the electrical distribution system with centralized data from EIG meters and third-party devices. Unleash the full potential of your system by converting data into [...]

EnergyReporterPQA Utility Billing Software

EnergyReporterPQA™ Utility Billing Software Reduce Energy Costs with Submetering and Accurate Billing View and Create Energy Dashboard and Reports Accurately Bill Customers/Tenants for Usage Automatically Import Energy Data from EIG Meters to Analyze Energy Analyze Detailed Usage Data for Planning and Load Curtailment {{ vc_btn: title=Request+a+Product+Demonstration&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=.vc_custom_1718973969790%7Bpadding-bottom%3A+50px+%21important%3B%7D& }} EnergyReporterPQA™ Utility Billing Software Reduce Energy Costs with [...]

High Performance Power Quality Monitors

Nexus® 1500+ Power Quality Meter with Phasor Measurement Unit

The Nexus® 1500+ meter provides invaluable power quality analysis using the latest PQ standards

Nexus® 1450 Cyber Secure Power Quality Meter with Multiport Communication

Electro Industries’ Nexus® 1450 meter is a powerful power quality meter that provides

Nexus® 1450 Rack Mount Assembly

Nexus® 1450 Substation 19″ Rack Mount Assembly Ideal for Substation 19″ Rack Mount Control Panel Applications Incorporates Nine Simultaneous Lines of Display Provides Clear and Easy Viewing of Data With No Scrolling Built-in Test Switch Designed Specifically for Nexus® 1450 Cyber Secure PQ Meter Front Panel Download Port Nexus® 1450 Substation 19″ Rack Mount Assembly [...]

Nexus® 1500+ Meter in Enclosure

Nexus® 1500+ Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions Expands Switchgear Capability Pre-wired and Configured Eliminates Wiring and Installation Errors Includes Voltage Fuses, a Shorting Block for Current Inputs, and a Control Power Transformer (277/480 V Power System) NEMA 1 Indoor-rated UL Listed Enclosure Nexus® 1500+ Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions [...]

Nexus® 1450 Meter in Enclosure

Nexus® 1450 Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions Expands Switchgear Capability Pre-wired and Configured Eliminates Wiring and Installation Errors Includes Finger Safe Voltage Fuses, a Shorting Block for Current Inputs, and a Control Power Transformer (277/480 V Power System) NEMA 4 Indoor/Outdoor-rated UL Listed Enclosure Nexus® 1450 Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit [...]

Multifunction Switchboard Power Meters

Shark® 250 Power and Energy Meter

Shark® 250 Advanced Power and Energy Meter Certified ANSI C12.20 0.1 Accuracy Class Energy Measurements High Precision Frequency Measurements – 0.007 Hz NERC CIP Compliant Cyber Secured Encrypted Configuration PQ Analyzer with Limits, THD, and Harmonics Recording 512 Samples/Cycle Waveform Recording of up to 319 Events Perpetual Time of Use, Transformer/Line Loss and CT/PT Compensation, [...]

Shark® 200 Data Logging Power and Energy Meter

Power Meter and Energy Meter Data Logging Power and Energy Meter Certified ANSI C12.20 0.2 Accuracy Class and IEC 62053-22 0.2S Energy Measurements 0.007 Hz Precision Frequency Measurements Programmable Alarm Limits, THD, and Harmonics Analysis Waveform Recording of up to 512 Samples/Cycle, 170 Events Modbus, DNP3, and IEC 61850 Protocols Dual, Independent Ethernet Ports with [...]

Shark® 100 Multifunction Power and Energy Meter

Shark® 100 Multifunction Power and Energy Meter 0.2% Revenue Grade Class Accuracy Measures Voltage, Current, Power, Frequency, Energy, and Max Demand Optional KYZ Pulse and Standard IrDA Port Power Quality Measurements – THD and Alarm Limits Easy to Read Display with Intuitive Navigation Optional 100BaseT Ethernet Optional RS485 Modbus and DNP3 Protocols Superior Quality – [...]

Shark® 100B BACnet/IP Communicating Multifunction Power and Energy Meter

Shark® 100B BACnet/IP Communicating Multifunction Power and Energy Meter Advanced Functionality for Building Management System Integration Multifunction Measurements of AC Voltage, Current, Power, and Energy Industry Recognized Superior 0.2% Energy Class Accuracy BACnet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP IrDA Port Built-in KYZ Pulse for Accuracy Testing Available in Meter or Transducer Version Shark® 100B BACnet/IP Communicating Multifunction Power [...]

Shark® 50 Multifunction Electrical Switchboard Meter

Shark® 50 Multifunction Electrical Switchboard Meter 0.5% Class Accuracy Measurements Built-in Test Pulse for Accuracy Verification Meets Both Revenue Metering Accuracy and Environmental Standards Optional RS485 with Modbus Protocol Large, Bright Red, Easy to Read LED Display % of Load Bar for Analog Meter Perception Fits Both ANSI and DIN Cutouts Great for Retrofit and [...]

Shark® 50B BACnet MS/TP Communicating Electrical Meter

Shark® 50B BACnet MS/TP Communicating Electrical Meter Advanced Functionality for Building Management System Integration Multifunction Measurements of AC Voltage, Current, Power, and Energy Industry Recognized Superior 0.5% Energy Class Accuracy BACnet MS/TP, Modbus TCP/IP Built-in KYZ Pulse for Accuracy Testing Shark® 50B BACnet MS/TP Communicating Electrical Meter Advanced Functionality for Building Management System Integration Multifunction [...]

Self-Enclosed Shark® Meter Assembly

Shark® Meters in NEMA 1 or NEMA 4X Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions Extends Switchgear Capability Pre-wired and Configured Eliminates Wiring and Installation Errors NEMA 4X Outdoor-rated/NEMA 1 Indoor-rated UL Listed Enclosures Shark® Meters in NEMA 1 or NEMA 4X Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions Extends Switchgear Capability Pre-wired and Configured Eliminates Wiring [...]

Advanced Revenue Meters

Shark® 270 Socket and Switchboard Form Revenue Meter

Shark® 270 Socket and Switchboard Form Revenue Meter Certified to ANSI C12.20 0.1 CL and IEC 62053-22 0.2S Energy Accuracy Standards Time of Use, Transformer/Line Loss Compensation, and Test Mode Power Quality Analyzer with 512 Samples/Cycle Waveform Recording Multiport SCADA Communication: Modbus RTU/ASCII, TCP/IP, DNP3, and IEC 61850 Certified Verizon 4G Under-glass Wireless Cellular (Supports [...]

Shark® 270 Revenue Meter Draw Out Switchboard Case – SWB3

Shark® 270 Revenue Meter Draw Out Switchboard Case – SWB3 A Superior Direct Replacement to Existing General Electric Style S1 Relay Case – Mounted Meters Draw out Meter Cradle for Easy Testing and Replacement Direct Analog Outputs (0-1) mA or (4-20) mA Without the Need for Externally Mounted Module Shark® 270 Revenue Meter Draw Out [...]

9S Socket Form Meter Enclosure

9S Socket Form Meter in Enclosure NEMA Type 3R Indoor/Outdoor Enclosure 13 Jaw Form 9S Meter Socket 600 V Rated Comes Equipped with a 10 Pole FT Switch Terminal Block – Tin Plated with Color-coded Handles Perfect for Shark® 270 Socket Meter and Nexus® 1262/1272 Socket Meters Supports All Transformer-rated Form 9S Meters Lockable Cover [...]

Nexus® 1272 Auto-Calibrating Revenue Energy Meter with Power Quality

Nexus® 1272 Auto-Calibrating Revenue Energy Meter with Power Quality 0.06% Energy Accurate Auto-calibrating Metrology Advanced Metering Calculations, Including Transformer Line Loss and CT/PT Compensation Advanced Power Quality Analysis with High-speed Waveform Recording Advanced Communication, Including Two RS485 Ports, Ethernet, and Modem; Modbus, DNP3 Level 2 Plus, MV90 Protocol Support Up to 256 Points of I/O [...]

Nexus® 1262 Auto-Calibrating Revenue Energy Meter

Nexus® 1262 Auto-Calibrating Revenue Energy Meter 0.06% Energy Accurate Auto-calibrating Metrology Advanced Metering Calculations, Including Transformer Line Loss and CT/PT Compensation Basic Power Quality Waveform Measurements Advanced Communication, Including Two RS485 Ports, Ethernet, and Modem; Modbus, DNP3, MV90 Protocol Support Up to 256 Points of I/O and Load Profiling; Standard Pulse Outputs and Status Inputs; [...]

Nexus® 1262/1272 Draw Out Switchboard Case – SWB3

Nexus® 1262/1272 Draw Out Switchboard Case-SWB3 A Superior Direct Replacement to Existing General Electric Style S1 Relay Case – mounted Meters Draw Out Meter Cradle for Easy Testing and Replacement Wiring Follows Industry Conventions, Eliminating the Need for New Wiring Nexus® 1262/1272 Draw Out Switchboard Case-SWB3 A Superior Direct Replacement to Existing General Electric Style [...]

Energy Monitoring / Submetering

Shark® MP200™ Data Logging Multipoint WiFi Energy Meter

Shark® MP200™ Data Logging Multipoint WiFi Energy Metering System ANSI C12.20 0.5 Accuracy Class Energy Measurements Save Space by Metering 8 Three Phase or 24 Single Phase Circuits with One Unit Communicate via Simultaneous Ethernet and WiFi, RS485, or USB Reduce Energy Costs through Submetering, Peak Demand Alerts, and Detailed Usage Optimization Two Historical Logs [...]

Shark® MP200™ Multi-Point WiFi Meter in Enclosure

Shark® MP200™ Data Logging Multipoint WiFi Energy Metering System in Enclosure High Density Retrofit Meter Solution Extends Switchgear Capability Pre-wired and Configured for Installation NEMA 1 Type Rated Enclosure Eliminates Wiring and Installation Errors Touch Screen HMI Display Optional BACnet or LonWorks Communication Modules Shark® MP200™ Data Logging Multipoint WiFi Energy Metering System in Enclosure [...]

Shark® 200S/100S Multifunction WiFi Electric Submeter

Shark® 200S/100S Multifunction WiFi Electric Submeter ANSI C12.20 0.2 Accuracy Class Energy Measurements Simultaneous RJ45 and WiFi Ethernet or RS485 WPA/WPA2/WPA2-Enterprise/WPS, Trust & Go 608 Chip WiFi Security Standard IrDA for Meter Configuration Standard Modbus ASCII/RTU/TCP and DNP3 Protocols Revenue Certifiable Test Pulse with KYZ Output Extensive Data Logging (200S) Limit/Alarm Programming Bright Red LED [...]

ST40 Compact DIN Rail Mounted Energy and Power Quality Meter

DIN Rail Energy Meter Compact DIN Rail Electric Submeter with Power Quality Small Footprint for Machine-level Monitoring, Solar, Wind, and Other Applications with Limited Installation Space ANSI C12.20 0.2 Accuracy Class Energy Measurements Power Quality Waveform Recording at up to 512 Samples per Cycle Extensive Memory for Storing Load Profiles, System Events, Limits, and Alarms [...]

ST40 Compact Power and Energy Meter in Enclosure

ST40 Compact Power and Energy Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter Solutions Add Metering Without Needing to Modify Existing Switchgear Panels Pre-wired and Configured Eliminates Wiring and Installation Errors Supports 0.333 V CTs; UL Listed, Finger-safe Voltage Fuses Included UL Listed Enclosure ST40 Compact Power and Energy Meter in Enclosure Ideal for Retrofit Meter [...]

Single Function Switchboard Power Meters

F-Series Single Function Switchboard Meters

F-Series Single Function Switchboard Meters Great for DC Battery Metering Highly Accurate 12-bit Resolution Four Digit Readout 0.8″ High Display Universal Power Supply Directly Replaces ANSI C39.1 Analog Meters F-Series Single Function Switchboard Meters Great for DC Battery Metering Highly Accurate 12-bit Resolution Four Digit Readout 0.8″ High Display Universal Power Supply Directly Replaces ANSI [...]

Communication Converter Products

ProtoCom Protocol Gateway

ProtoCom-KT / ProtoCom-Lon-KT Protocol Gateway Auto-discovery Detects the Connected Meter and Maps Appropriate BACnet or LonWorks Points Automatically Enables BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP, LonWorks, and Other Popular Building Management Systems Perfect Add-on for Any Building Management Solution Retrofits to Existing Meters, Saving Installation Time and Money {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fprotocom-kt-bacnet-gateway%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} ProtoCom-KT / ProtoCom-Lon-KT Protocol Gateway Auto-discovery [...]

FiberCom Ethernet Media Converter

FiberCom Ethernet Media Converter Easily Convert RJ45 Copper to Fiber Optic Extend Range of Communication to 25 Kilometers LPF Support for Fault Detection {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Ffibercom-media-converter%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} FiberCom Ethernet Media Converter Easily Convert RJ45 Copper to Fiber Optic Extend Range of Communication to 25 Kilometers LPF Support for Fault Detection {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Ffibercom-media-converter%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} FiberCom [...]

CAB26522 USB-A to Mini-B 2.0

CAB26522 USB-A to Mini-B 2.0 Communication Cable for the Shark® 250 Advanced Power and Energy Meter Easily Connect Your Computer to the Meter’s USB Port Three-foot Cable Length {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fcab26522-usb-a-to-mini-b-2-0%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} CAB26522 USB-A to Mini-B 2.0 Communication Cable for the Shark® 250 Advanced Power and Energy Meter Easily Connect Your Computer to the Meter’s [...]

Instrument Transformers

Current Transformers

Current Transformers For Power Metering Applications mV CTs Multiple Window Sizes and Current Ratios UL Approved Models Available Most CTs Currently in Stock and Ship Within 24 Hours {{ vc_btn: title=How+to+Choose+CTs+White+Paper&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fpdf%252Fwhite-papers%252FCT-Secondary-Comparison-White-Paper-Rev1_E200751.pdf&el_class=buttonthicktext }} Current Transformers For Power Metering Applications mV CTs Multiple Window Sizes and Current Ratios UL Approved Models Available Most CTs Currently in Stock [...]

Rogowski Coil CT Kits

Rogowski Coil CT Kits Provide 0.333 V Secondary Output 6 ft. twisted wire leads Tamper-proof, secured twist-lock connector Abrasion resistance; flexible in low temperature UV-protected outer jacket; weather proof Lozenges on connector provide easy glove grip. UL94V-0 flame retardant plastic, CAT IV, double insulation, Pollution Degree 3 Phoenix-style terminal block connector {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Frogowski-coil-ct-kits%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} [...]

3 Phase Delta Voltage Transformer

EI-2VT460-480FF 3 Phase Delta Voltage Transformer Manufactured to Meet the Requirements of ANSI C57.13 Classified by UL in Accordance with IEC 44-2 Designed for Open Delta Connection {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252F3-phase-delta-pt%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-2VT460-480FF 3 Phase Delta Voltage Transformer Manufactured to Meet the Requirements of ANSI C57.13 Classified by UL in Accordance with IEC 44-2 Designed for [...]

3 Phase WYE Voltage Transformer

EI-3VT472-480-208FF 3 Phase WYE Voltage Transformer Manufactured to Meet the Requirements of ANSI C57.13 Classified by UL in Accordance with IEC 44-1 Designed for Wye Connected Systems {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252F3-phase-wye-pt%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-3VT472-480-208FF 3 Phase WYE Voltage Transformer Manufactured to Meet the Requirements of ANSI C57.13 Classified by UL in Accordance with IEC 44-1 Designed for [...]

EI-75481P-KT – Control Power Transformer

EI-75481P-KT Control Power Transformer For EIG Meters {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-75481p%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-75481P-KT Control Power Transformer For EIG Meters {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-75481p%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-75481P-KT Control Power Transformer For EIG Meters {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-75481p%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-75481P-KT Control Power Transformer For EIG Meters {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-75481p%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} Introduction HomeEI-75481P-KT – Control Power TransformerIntroduction480 V AC/120 V AC, 75 [...]

Switchboard Accessories

Power Brick PB1 Universal Substation Grade Power Supply

Power Brick PB1 Universal Substation Grade Power Supply Isolated and Short Circuit Protected All Metal Enclosure 12 VA Power For Industrial and Utility Applications Designed for Years of Reliable Service {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fpower-brick-universal-substation-grade-power-supply%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} Power Brick PB1 Universal Substation Grade Power Supply Isolated and Short Circuit Protected All Metal Enclosure 12 VA Power For Industrial [...]

EI-MSB10-400 Instrumentation Surge Protector

EI-MSB10-400 Instrumentation Surge Protector Protect Critical Substation Equipment Utilizes a Multi-stage Protection Scheme Designed to Improve Equipment Reliability Supports 2-Wire and 4-Wire RS485 Fully Compliant with IEC 61643-1 and EN 61643-11 (Class 2 or Class 3 Test) Protective Internal Thermal Fusing {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-msb10-400-surge-protector%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-MSB10-400 Instrumentation Surge Protector Protect Critical Substation Equipment Utilizes a [...]

ANT18769 Remote Mounted Wireless WiFi Antenna

ANT18769 Remote Mounted Wireless WiFi Antenna Designed to Extend WiFi Communication for the Shark® 100S/Shark® 200S Meters and the MP200™ Metering System Mounts Easily Via a Magnetic Base Kit Contains Everything Necessary to be Up and Running in Minutes Can be Used with Any Wireless Router to Extend a WiFi Network Coaxial Cable for Connection [...]

Panel Meter Protective Fuse Kit

EI-CP Panel Meter Protective Fuse Kit Includes Single Pole Fuse Block and Three Pole Fuse Block Protects Both Power Supply and Voltage Inputs Provides Short Circuit Protection of Wiring Used to Connect to Control Power Input and Phase Conductor Inputs For Use on Circuits up to 600 V AC {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fpanel-meter-protective-fuse-kit%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-CP Panel [...]

6 Pole CT Shorting Block

EI-SB-6TC 6 Pole CT Shorting Block Rated: 600 Volt Current Rating: 75 A 6 Pole Configuration with 4 Shorting Screws Wire Range 10 AWG Max Clear, Removeable Plastic Cover Marking Plate Terminals Allow up to 1/2″ Wide Connectors UL Recognized {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fei-sb-6tc%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-SB-6TC 6 Pole CT Shorting Block Rated: 600 Volt Current Rating: [...]

FT Test Switch

SWCH1983 FT Test Switch Front Connected Style with Protective Cover Safe, Durable, Rugged, and Reliable Recognized by cUL and UL Class IE Qualified Per IEEE Standard 323-1974 {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fft-switch%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} SWCH1983 FT Test Switch Front Connected Style with Protective Cover Safe, Durable, Rugged, and Reliable Recognized by cUL and UL Class IE Qualified Per [...]

4 Pole and 6 Pole CT Shorting Block

EI-30CT04DR / EI-30CT06DR 4 Pole and 6 Pole CT Shorting Block Captive Hardware to Prevent Lost Grounding Screws Finger Safe Covers DIN Rail Mounted for Faster Installation Safer Than Traditional Shorting Blocks Easy to Install {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252F4-pole-and-6-pole-ct-shorting-blocks%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} EI-30CT04DR/EI-30CT06DR 4 Pole and 6 Pole CT Shorting Block Captive Hardware to Prevent Lost Grounding Screws [...]

Shark® 270 Energy Meter I/O Terminal Breakout Box Kit

CONN20163-KT Shark® 270 Energy Meter I/O Terminal Breakout Box Kit Easily Connects From Meter’s I/O to Your Equipment Utilizes Your Current Wiring Scheme Saves Time By Connecting Via a Simple One Step Process Provides Convenient Point of Termination {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fshark-270-energy-meter-i-o-terminal-breakout-box-kit%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} CONN20163-KT Shark® 270 Energy Meter I/O Terminal Breakout Box Kit Easily Connects From [...]

PQMII to Shark® Adapter Plate

E145372 PQMII to Shark® Adapter Plate Easily Replace a PQMII Meter with a Newer Shark® Meter Eliminates Necessity of Replacing Existing Panel Saves on Labor and Costs {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fpqmii-to-shark-adapter-plate%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E145372 PQMII to Shark® Adapter Plate Easily Replace a PQMII Meter with a Newer Shark® Meter Eliminates Necessity of Replacing Existing Panel Saves on [...]

P60N to P70N Mounting Adapter Plate

E171316 P60N to P70N Mounting Adapter Plate Easily Replace a P60N Display with a P70N Display Eliminates Necessity of Replacing Existing Panel Saves on Labor and Costs {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fp60n-to-p70n-mounting-plate%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E171316 P60N to P70N Mounting Adapter Plate Easily Replace a P60N Display with a P70N Display Eliminates Necessity of Replacing Existing Panel Saves on [...]

P70N Touchscreen External LCD Display

P70N Touchscreen External LCD Display For Use with the Nexus® 1450 Meter Displays Meter Data, Including Voltage, Current, Power, Energy, and Demand Power Quality Screens, Including Phasors, Harmonic Magnitudes, Limit Alarms, and Flicker Log and Trending Data {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fp70n-touchscreen-external-lcd-display%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} P70N Touchscreen External LCD Display For Use with the Nexus® 1450 Meter Displays Meter [...]

Optical / Serial Cables

CAB100IR – USB to IrDA Adapter

CAB100IR USB to IrDA Adapter for Shark® Meters USB Bus Powered, No Need for External Power Full Speed, 12 Mbps, Fully Compliant With USB 2.0 Supports All Windows OS From Win98 to 32 and 64 Bit Win 8/8.1/10/11 and Win Server 2003/2008, MAC OS, Android, Linux, and Windows-CE Supports IrDA Baud Rate From 9.6 Kbps [...]

B10U – Zero Power ANSI Optical Probe

B10U Zero Power ANSI Optical Probe Requires No Power Supply Baud Rate – up to 38400 bps ANSI Type 2 Compatible For Use with EIG’s Socket Revenue Meters 2 Meter Cable Bidirectional Interface Strong Magnetic Adhesion USB 2.0 Standard Connector {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fb10u-ansi-optical-probe%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} B10U Zero Power ANSI Optical Probe Requires No Power Supply Baud [...]

CAB1942 – RS232 Serial Cable

CAB1942 Five Wire RS232 Serial Cable 6 Foot Long Cable Male Connector DB 9 Pin at One End Female Connector DB 9 S at Other End 5 Wires Only – 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 Pins {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fcab1942-5-wire-assembly-cable%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} CAB1942 Five Wire RS232 Serial Cable 6 Foot Long Cable Male Connector DB 9 Pin [...]

RS232 Serial Extension Cable

9PINC RS232 Serial Extension Cable Connectors: DB9 Male to DB9 Female Extend Your Existing RS232 Serial Cables Fully Shielded to Prevent Unwanted EMI/RFI Interference Fully Molded Connectors with Thumbscrews Provide You with a Quick and Easy Connection Every Time All Lines Wired Straight Through {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Frs-232-cable-extension-cable%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} 9PINC RS232 Serial Extension Cable Connectors: DB9 [...]

E205301 – RS485 to USB Communication Converter

E205301 RS485 to USB Communication Converter Easily Connect EIG Meters to a Computer’s USB Port Standard 2 Wire RS485 LEDs in the USB Connector Give a Visual Indication of Transmitting and Receiving Cable Port Powered – Doesn’t Require External Power Supply {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Frs485-to-usb-communication-converter%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E205301 RS485 to USB Communication Converter Easily Connect EIG Meters [...]

E159343 – Shark® 270 USB Communication Cable

E159343 Shark® 270 USB Communication Cable Easily Connect the Shark® 270 Meter to a Computer’s USB Port Standard 2 Wire RS485 LEDs in the USB Connector Give a Visual Indication of Transmitting and Receiving Cable Port Powered – Doesn’t Require External Power Supply {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Frj45-to-usb-communication-converter%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E159343 Shark® 270 USB Communication Cable Easily Connect [...]

Replacement Accessories

Replacement Cover for the Shark® 270 Revenue Energy Meter

Shark® 270 Clear Cover Replacement Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset Button Plunger Physical Sealing Switch {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fshark-270-clear-cover-replacement%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} Shark® 270 Clear Cover Replacement Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset Button Plunger Physical Sealing Switch {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fshark-270-clear-cover-replacement%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} Shark® 270 Clear Cover Replacement Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset Button Plunger Physical Sealing Switch {{ vc_btn: [...]

Nexus® 1262-72 Replacement Cover

E128119 Clear Cover Replacement for Nexus® 1262/1272/KV2 Meters Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset Button Plunger Hardware Lock {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fnexus-1262-1272-kv2-clear-cover-replacement%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E128119 Clear Cover Replacement for Nexus® 1262/1272/KV2 Meters Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset Button Plunger Hardware Lock {{ vc_btn: title=Buy+Now&style=flat&color=success&size=lg&align=left&css=&link=url%3A%252Fproduct%252Fnexus-1262-1272-kv2-clear-cover-replacement%252F&el_class=buttonthicktext }} E128119 Clear Cover Replacement for Nexus® 1262/1272/KV2 Meters Optical Port Magnetic Plate Reset [...]

Power metering and power monitoring systems are becoming increasingly important as companies and individuals alike seek to optimize their energy usage and reduce their carbon footprint. At Electro Industries/GaugeTech, we understand the importance of efficient energy management and have designed our products and software with this in mind.

Our power metering products offer high accuracy and reliable measurements of voltage, current, and power, allowing you to monitor and control your energy usage with precision. Our range of energy monitoring solutions includes the Nexus® 1500+ Power Quality Meter with Phasor Measurement Unit, which provides comprehensive real time power quality data to ensure the efficient operation of your electrical system.

In addition to our range of hardware solutions, we offer software to assist in energy management. Our CommunicatorPQA® power monitoring software and MeterManagerPQA® meter data management software provide advanced analysis and reporting of energy usage data to help identify areas for improvement and potential cost savings. We also offer®, our AI driven energy management system, which utilizes machine learning to optimize energy consumption based on usage patterns.

With Electro Industries/GaugeTech, you are investing in high-quality power metering and power monitoring solutions designed to meet your energy management needs. Our products and software will provide you with the information and tools necessary to optimize your energy usage, reduce your carbon footprint, and save you money.


What is a power monitor and metering system?

A power monitoring and metering system is designed to help you manage your energy usage, monitor power quality, and track utility costs. With this system, you can easily measure the amount of electricity used in real time, set alarms to notify you when energy consumption exceeds a predetermined limit, and access reports that detail how your electricity is being used. It is designed to help you manage your energy usage, monitor power quality, and track utility costs. Electro Industries offers a wide range of power metering products and software, such as the Nexus® 1500+ Power Quality meter and Shark® 270 Energy meter, to help businesses and industries reduce their energy consumption and save money.

Why is power monitoring important?

Power monitoring is important in achieving energy efficiency, reducing operational costs, and improving equipment longevity. Electro Industries’ power metering products provide accurate and real time information about the power usage and quality, enabling businesses to make informed decisions. This includes detecting power issues and determining if the equipment is using energy efficiently or not. Proper power monitoring can save money by optimizing the use of energy. Ultimately, power monitoring plays an essential role in enhancing business sustainability and environmental responsibility. Electro Industries is a trusted supplier of quality power metering products.

What is the use of power metering system?

Power metering systems are designed to help manage and monitor energy usage, ensuring that electricity is being used efficiently. Electro Industries offers a wide range of power metering products that can accurately measure energy usage and provide real-time data, making it easier to identify areas of waste and take corrective action. From basic single function meters to more advanced systems with phasor measurement units, Electro Industries has the tools needed to optimize power usage and improve energy efficiency. By using power metering and monitoring, businesses and individuals can reduce energy costs and reduce their environmental impact.

What are the benefits of power metering software?

Power metering software provides numerous benefits for both commercial and industrial organizations. By analyzing power usage and identifying inefficiencies, power metering software can help reduce energy costs, increase energy efficiency, and optimize system performance. Electro Industries/GaugeTech offers a range of power metering products and software to monitor and manage energy usage, from their Shark® meters for real-time monitoring to CommunicatorPQA® software for data management. Investing in power metering and monitoring software is a smart move for any organization looking to save on energy costs and increase their bottom line.