
EIG Adds Automated Reporting and Alarm Emails to™ Energy Management Solution
Westbury, NY (Wednesday, September 29, 2020) – Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) announces the addition of custom reporting and alarm email features to its™ energy management solution. The new features provide Enterprise-wide reporting of meter data for usage analysis and emailing alerts/alarms on Power Quality events to enable proactive response to power reliability problems.
Reports can be generated from many pre-defined templates or reports can be customized for specific needs. Meter data from any facility, Enterprise-wide, can be added to the report. The user can create formulas for comparison, aggregation, or to calculate total, max, and/or min. The reporting module also automatically emails reports to multiple email addresses on a user defined schedule.
The system now also emails alarm events, including peak demand, new future predicted peak demand, out of limit conditions, power quality events, and new waveform captures. The™ system sends alert/alarm emails hourly. Any alerts/alarm conditions occurring since the last email will be sent together to avoid multiple emails on one event.
For more information on the™ system and its new features, visit its webpage: