Electric energy is a form of energy based on the generation of electrical potential differences between two points, which allow establishing an electric current between the two. By appropriate transformation it is possible to obtain that such energy is shown in other final forms of direct use, in the form of light, movement or heat, according to the elements of energy conservation.

bright lights turned on

It is one of the forms of energy that mankind uses most today, thanks to its ease of transportation and low rate of energy loss during conversions.

1) Thermoelectric (TEG)

The thermoelectric plant, produces energy from the burning of coal, natural gas, fuel and oil in a boiler. The heat that is generated turn into steam. The water present in the pipes located on the walls of the boilers under high pressure, causes the turbine to rotate and thus generate electricity.

This mode of energy generation is much criticized due to the great pollution caused to the environment, due to the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, thus contributing to the greenhouse effect.

2) Wind

It performs the transformation of wind energy into electric energy using wind turbines, which are large turbines placed in windy regions, in the shape of a windmill or vane. Such equipment produces the movement of a propeller, this movement generates a magnetic field, thus producing electricity.

It is considered one of the most promising forms of production, as it is a natural, renewable source that does not contribute to the greenhouse effect, and does not generate waste. Despite its good points, not everything is flowers. In addition to the high cost, nowadays, it is necessary to study the region to measure and predict the winds, making it an energy source not as reliable as some others.

3) Solar

The energy obtained through the light and the heat of the Sun, used by different technologies like: solar heating, photo-voltaic solar energy, etc. The most commonly used way to get electricity is from photo-voltaic panels, which convert light into electrical energy, and these panels are made of semiconductor material. It works as follows: sunlight hits the photo-voltaic cell and part of it is absorbed. When absorbed, the luminosity is converted into electricity. We can conclude that the greater the intensity of sunlight, the greater the flow of electricity.